Ali Tareen Works banner.jpg

(b.1981, London, UK) 


Born and raised in East London to a working-class family with his father from Pakistan and his mother from England, Ali Tareen uses a visual language of intricate drawing of contradictory scenarios that challenge, explores, and questions the varied arenas of the duality of the human condition. This involves, ego, power, sex, death, and identity mixed with hints of irony, repulsion, and sarcasm, which is informed by memories and experiences of living in Prague and London. This theme of duality that is persistent throughout Tareen's oeuvre is inspired by his conflicting childhood and background, having parents from two very different cultures and mind-sets, Pakistan, and England.

Ali Tareen obtained a BA (Hons) at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, graduating with a First Class Certificate. Since then he has exhibited in numerous countries such as; the UK, Czech Republic, and Spain. His works are in private collections across, the UK, Europe, The USA, and Australia.

‘Tareen confronts the day-to-day hows and whys head on. From the wild and wonderful to the bizarre and banal, we are gifted a look into a world of contrast, role reversal and stereotype.’


Ali Tareen se narodil a vyrostl ve východním Londýně s rodinou dělnické třídy se svým otcem z Pákistánu a jeho matkou z Anglie. Používá vizuální jazyk složité kresby protichůdných scénářů, které zpochybňují, zkoumají a zpochybňují rozmanité arény duality lidského stavu. Jedná se např. O ego, sílu, sex, smrt a identitu smíchanou s náznaky ironie, odporu a sarkasmu, který je informován vzpomínkami a zkušenostmi ze života v Praze a Londýně. Toto téma duality, které přetrvává po celou dobu Tareenova díla, je inspirováno jeho konfliktním dětstvím a pozadím a má rodiče ze dvou velmi odlišných kultur a myšlenkových sad, Pákistán a Anglie.

Ali Tareen získal titul BA (Hons) na Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, absolvování s prvotřídním certifikátem. Od té doby vystavoval v mnoha zemích, jako například; Velká Británie, Česká republika a Španělsko. Jeho práce jsou v soukromých sbírkách po celé Velké Británii, Evropě, USA a Austrálii.

‘Tareen se setkává s každodenním shromažďováním a hlavou. Z divočiny a nádherného až bizarního a banálního, jsme obdařeni podívat se do světa kontrastu, zvrácení rolí a stereotypu.’

Solo Exhibitions

'Mind the gap', Mah Wah Gallery, London, UK, 2019   
'Last exit to repel yourself', Fashion Bistro, Prague Cz, 2018 

'Down is the new up', Four Corners Gallery, Prague Cz, 2017 

'Vanity Sluts',  Žižkovšiška, Prague Cz, 2016 

'A modern love', Galerie Lajka, Prague Cz, 2015 

'Polidicks', The Solution, Prague, Cz, 2015 

'Whispers from my heart'Ferdinandův Pramen, Mariánskě, Lázně, Cz, 2014 

‘Absurdity Part 2’, Karlin Studios, Prague, Cz, 2012 

‘Absurdity’, Four Corners Gallery/Bar 7, Prague, Cz, 2012 (Curated By Suzanne Kass) 

‘Welcome To fairy tale republic’, Anglo American Art Space, Prague, Cz, 2011 

‘Between me and you’, PYMCA Gallery, London, UK, 2007'Last exit to repel yourself', Fashion Bistro, Prague Cz, 2018


Group Exhibitions

‘It’s not just black and white’, The Water house Railway Institute, York, 2020 (Curated by Natasha Clarke)

'Entanglement', Dark Matter Gallery, Prague Cz, 2016

'Hope of wrecks', Museum of St Albans & The Art and Design Gallery - University of Hertfordshire, UK, 2013 (Curated by Simon Hollington and Andrew Marsh)

'Kdo Lže, Krade/Who lies also steals', Artinbox Gallery, Prague, Cz, 2013 (Curated by Nadia Rovderová)

‘No dolls please’, 491 Gallery, London, UK, 2009

‘Bedroom conundrums’ ‘101 House, London, UK, 2008

'Stokefest’, Clissold Park, London, UK, 2006

‘Now!, Now!, Now!’, The Others Gallery, London, UK, 2005

‘Conflicts in London’, the Others Gallery, London, UK, 2005

‘Future map:’, The Arts Gallery, London, UK, 2004

‘L.I.E.S’, Café de Paris, London, UK, 2003

‘Direction: Final Year Show’, Central Saint Martins, London, UK 2003

‘BAAD2: Untitled' University of the Arts gallery, London, UK, 2002

‘BAAD1: Introduction to the Rat Race. John Godchild Memorial Exhibition’, Lethaby Gallery, London, UK, 2001. (Curated by Jo Addison)

‘Foot’, Elizbal Design College, Barcelona, Spain, 2001



Thoola album cover and inlay, 2014

Wunderman, ‘Sweet Dreams', spray paint on bottles, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014

Stuart Letchford, 'Africa', Mural, acrylic paint and pencil on a wall, London, UK, 2008



Kdo Lže, Krade/Who lies also steals', exhibition catalogue, 2015



1st (Hons) Art & Design, Central Saint Martins 2000-2003
Foundation/GNVQ Art & Design, Havering College 1997-1999





Review of 'Polidicks' - Prague TV

Review of the 'Absurdity' Exhibition by Rob Warren

Martin Fryč - 'Vanity Sluts'

Martin Fryč - 'A Modern Love'

Martin Fryč - 'Polidicks'

The Hope of Wrecks Exhibition

Artinbox Gallery

'Kdo Lze Krade'/'Who Lies Also Steals' Exhibition






